Our survey work

Published: 02 July 2024

One of the most important elements of the River Thames Scheme (RTS) design work is understanding what wildlife lives in and around the River Thames so that habitats can be protected.

These surveys collect information about the environment, including terrestrial and aquatic habitats within the project boundary and surrounding areas. They also allow us to gather other information to inform the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), for example, including surface and groundwater quality and levels, archaeology and noise.

This information is used to understand the current environment along the route of the scheme and assess what impact construction and operation of the scheme will have, enabling the RTS to make environmentally acceptable decisions.

The surveys are varied in nature. Some may be completed within days, while others could last several months. Below is a list of some of our forthcoming survey work.


MonthPlanned survey work
JulyArboriculture (tree) and topographical
JulyUKHab re-appraisal (grassland)


MonthPlanned survey work
JulyWater quality (lake level monitoring)
JulyWater quality (monthly spot flow monitoring)
JulyFish pathogens and fish Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)
JulyLevel loggers for fish passes
JulyRiver condition assessment

Document history

Published: 02 July 2024

Updated: 02 July 2024


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