Flood prevention, planning and recovery

Published: 20 November 2023

Know your flood risk and plan better

Flooding can cause extensive damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, and it can also have a severe impact on the environment. By taking proactive measures, such as building with flood-resistant materials, we can reduce the risk of damage and protect our local communities.

Additionally, floods can have a significant financial cost, from property damage to lost income and business disruptions. By investing in flood prevention and planning, we can reduce the financial burden on individuals and the government and reduce the impact on the individual's wellbeing.

The resources below offer valuable insights on how to protect your property and prepare for potential floods. By utilising the resources and information provided, you can take proactive steps to minimise the impact of floods.

Check the risk

Residents are advised to check their home's flood risk by visiting check long-term flood risk or calling the Floodline (24 hour service) on 0345 988 1188. There is also the opportunity to register for flood alerts and warnings.

The latest information on flooding can be found on the Flood Warning Information Service or by phoning them on Tel: 0345 988 1188.

If there is a risk of flooding, there's advice on how to be prepared for a flood on Surrey County Council's website.

If you, or someone you know, is vulnerable, requires additional assistance or has additional communication needs then you can sign up to the Priority Services Register and contact your utility providers. It is free and can help you or a loved one to stay safe, warm and independent at home.

Check the Met Office long term forecast

Know how to Prepare. Act. Survive.

The good news is that there are some simple things you can do to prepare for flooding, which could help keep you and your family safe, and save you thousands of pounds in damages and disruption.

Learn more about what you can do to plan ahead for flooding.

How do I protect my home against flooding?

Floods can happen, and you can't do anything to stop them happening. But you can do something to reduce the chances of water getting in your house or business, and if it does, you can reduce its impact. This is called property flood resilience (PFR) and it's something you can do yourself.

Check out Blue Pages for a list of products and services that can help protect your home from floods in the future. This includes things like sealable air brick, flood doors and barriers, as well as flood boards. If you're interested in protecting your property, check out the National Flood Forum pages. You might even be able to get some money to help install flood resilience measures, thanks to an initiative called Build Back Better, which was set up by the Environment Agency and Flood RE.

Get emotional support

Having a flooded home is very stressful. If someone has concerns about their own or others' mental health, they can visit their GP, or call NHS 111, who can help identify further sources of support.

NHS One You guidance also has advice on how to deal with stress or anxiety as well as information about where one can access further support.

NHS Choices is a good source of local health information, including local mental health services.

Helplines, such as Samaritans, can provide support to anyone in emotional distress or struggling to cope. The Samaritans free helpline is available 24 hours a day on 116123.

Who can I contact?

  • For general advice, call the Environment Agency's 24-hour floodline: 0345 988 1188
  • For local advice, call your local council.

Document history

Published: 20 November 2023

Updated: 23 July 2024


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