Social media enquiries

Published: 10 April 2024

The River Thames Scheme (RTS) social media accounts are monitored daily, Monday to Friday and within office hours (9am to 5pm).

The accounts are moderated and managed by the RTS Communications and Engagement Team, who may sometimes need to carry out research in order to answer your query or question. This means, on occasion, it may take a short while before you get a response. The aim is to respond where appropriate in a timely manner and within 5 working days.

Our social media channels have been created to provide help, support, information, and updates on the RTS. They are open public forums, and we welcome lively debate, opinions, questions, and suggestions. We ask everyone to post in a respectful manner and in line with our guidelines. If our guidelines are not observed, we reserve the right to delete or hide any comment that goes against them.

Here are our guidelines:

  • Do not post misleading, inaccurate, or false information or links to pages containing misleading, inaccurate, or false content.
  • Please keep posts friendly and avoid using offensive or abusive language and pictures. This includes swear words, variations of swear words, links to harmful pages, and repeated posts.
  • Please do not personally attack our employees or any other member of the public commenting on our page.
  • We do not allow comments or posts that disclose information about our employees.
  • Your comment is your own. It is your own responsibility to take care of your confidentiality and when sharing sensitive information.
  • We reserve the right to reproduce, share or publish any comments made on the public page. All comments from users which go against our guidelines listed above are at risk of deletion. Should someone continue to break the rules or post unconstructive, repetitive posts, we reserve the right to, as a last resort, ban this person from our social media channels.

To keep up to date with the latest news and updates, follow us on our social media accounts:

Document history

Published: 10 April 2024

Updated: 10 April 2024


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